Quiz Answers

We hope you had fun with our daily quizes! Here are the answers you’ve all been looking for…

January 30 – Our Travels

  1. What famous drive did Angela and Ari take in Australia?
    • The Great Ocean Road
    • It starts near Melbourne and goes West to The Twelve Apostles (or further).
  2. How many times have Angela and Ari been to Disney World together?
    • 3
  3. On their first camping trip together, what rule soured the trip (even tho they still had fun)?
    • No Campfires
    • We watched Netflix movies.
  4. What museum did we visit in Toledo, Spain?
    • Museo del Queso Manchego
    • The wine there was pretty good too
  5. What 4 Animal Cafes did Angela and Ari visit in Japan?
    • Dog, Cat, Owl, and Snake
    • Well, technically, it was Reptile
  6. What landmark did locals assume we wanted to visit in Morocco?
    • Big Square
    • We heard it so much that it’s now our joke to each other (along with Harmony, Nick and Jess) whenever we’re looking for anything.
  7. What artist did Angela and Ari fly to Denver to see in concert?
    • LCD Soundsystem
    • Our visit to the Coors brewery was pretty good on that trip too.
  8. How many times have Angela and Ari been to Las Vegas together?
    • We really don’t know
  9. What were Angela and Ari celebrating the first time they went to Hawaii together?
    • Jeremy’s Birthday
  10. Where did Angela win the 2017 Bubbles and Cribbage Tournament?
    • Sonoma

January 31 – Angela

  1. What is Angela’s favorite color?
    • Lime Green
  2. What pets has Angela had?
    • All of the Above
  3. What year did Angela graduate from college?
    • 2004
  4. What is “Virgil”?
    • A stuffed squirrel with a cowboy hat smoking a cigarette.
  5. Does Angela believe in ghosts?
    • Yes
  6. How many miles were on the 98 Toyota Camry when she sold it?
    • Over 240,000 miles
    • Somewhere around 243k total
  7. What job(s) has Angela had?
    • All of the Above
  8. What game(s) did Angela love playing at Animoto on Friday nights?
    • All of the Above
  9. Angela likes to wear her hair:
    • All of the Above
  10. What color was Angela’s first car?
    • Blue

February 1 – Ari

  1. How many episodes did Ari publish of “The Whisky Guy” podcast?
    • 10
    • There were more that were video, but 10 just audio
  2. What was the frequency (number) of the first radio station he worked at?
    • 104.5
    • Exit 104!
  3. How many states has Ari visited?
    • All of them
    • #49 was Hawaii and Alaska made it 50
  4. How many miles were on Ari’s VW Golf when it finally blew up?
    • 160,000
  5. What pets has Ari had?
    • All of the Above
  6. What time was Ari born?
    • 4:20
    • 4:19, but that doesn’t sound as good
  7. What color was Ari’s first car?
    • Orange
  8. What is Ari’s favorite whisk(e)y?
    • The next one
  9. How many whiskies does Ari have in his collection?
    • 600+
  10. How long has Ari been a vegetarian?
    • All of the Above

February 2 – Us

  1. How did Angela and Ari meet?
    • The internet
  2. How many countries have Angela and Ari visited together?
    • 6
    • Canada, Japan, Mexico, Morocco, Australia and Spain
  3. Where was Angela and Ari’s first date?
    • The Park Pub
  4. How long have Angela and Ari been together?
    • 4 years
  5. Where did Ari propose?
    • Albuquerque
    • On top of Sandia Peak
  6. Where did Angela and Ari get their engagement photos taken?
    • JC Penney
    • Angela booked without asking Ari, but that really sounded like the best idea
  7. What was Angela’s reply to Ari’s proposal?
    • Sure
    • Later, she said she “missed an opportunity to say ‘you’ll do.’ ”
  8. Where was Angela and Ari’s first trip together?
    • Mt Hood, OR
    • With Matt and Cher
  9. What year did Angela and Ari buy a house?
    • 2018
  10. Who is Angela and Ari’s favorite roommate?
    • Sharkbait

February 3 – Friends and Family

  1. How did Ari meet Mike Plaster?
    • Mutual Friend
  2. How did Angela meet Megan Etzel?
    • At Animoto
  3. How did Joel Karlsberg get the nickname “Street Money”?
    • From a mix CD with the name Elena
  4. How many countries has Angela been to with Brendan?
    • 3
  5. What phrase made Mark famous?
    • “It’s Nintendo country, baby”
    • It was a video application for a place on a Nintendo marketing team.
  6. Emily Olson, Brooke Gray, and Angela all grew up:
    • In the Mohawk Valley
  7. What instrument does Clifford play?
    • Saxophone
  8. Tara and Angela’s fictional whiskey brand is called:
    • Goodmen
  9. Where did Devon and Jamie work together?
    • A ‘Bookstore’
    • It was a bar called The Bookstore Bar
  10. What’s the first question Au and Kieu asked Ari?
    • What’s your credit score?

February 4 – Random Trivia

  1. The gestation time of a Shetland pony is:
    • 11 months
  2. Why can’t you hold a koala in Victoria, Australia?
    • Their size makes them more dangerous
  3. This chemical is actually bad for your hair:
    • SLS
    • Sodium Lauryl Sulfate
  4. What’s a typical sparge temperature?
    • 85 degrees C
    • The ‘sparge’ is the second (or third) water used to extract sugar from grain in the fermentation process before distillation).
  5. The following is a line from Ace Ventura: When Nature Calls
    • All of the Above
  6. In photography’s “Sunny 16” rule, what does the “16” refer to?
    • The size of the aperture
    • F/16 is a small aperture, letting in less light – for when it’s sunny
  7. FMLA stands for:
    • Family and Medical Leave Act
  8. What is the typical entry-proof for bourbon (when it enters the cask)?
    • 125 Proof
    • That’s the legal maximum and most do that to maximize storage space
  9. What does PSR stand for?
    • Primitive Survival Rating
    • Thank You Naked and Afraid
  10. What does “VASI” stand for?
    • Visual Approach Slope Indicator