You may have noticed our hashtag. It’s the site URL, it’s on the front page, it’s… everywhere. But where does it come from?
Christmas 2016, Angela gave Ari a t-shirt with a very simple graphic and the word ‘arigato’ on it, in a typewritter font. Ari laughed because… he’s not a cat (and the animal on the shirt wasn’t a cat). In September 2017, Angela and Ari went to Japan (with friends that we hope will be at the wedding), and we used the hashtag “angelarigato” on Instagram posts, etc. Angela + Ari + Gato (cat, in Spanish, for Sharkbait), with a twist on the word Arigatou (Thank You, in Japanese).
So there it is – #ANGELARIGATO
So now you’re part of the family. You know the password. Wanna post something fun to Instagram? Or Twitter? Go on – use that hashtag. We’ll be watching.